Surya namaskar
Surya namaskar challenge
Surya namaskar challenge with a twist
Surya namaskar challenge with another twist
Yoga classes
Surya namaskar
In 2020 during the lockdown time Surya namaskars were practiced everyday at 6 am.
Surya namaskar challenge
- The challenge is to complete 3000 surya namaskars in the month
- Start date:17th February.
- Daily at 6am
- online (zoom).
Surya namaskar challenge with a twist
From 17th March to 16th April
- Daily 5 – 10 Surya namaskar
- At 6 am on zoom with YSA
- Do at your own time(watch recordings)
- Twist is to hold every step for 5 secs in each round
- Its a free event
Surya namaskar challenge with another twist
From 17th April to 16th May
- Daily 5 Surya namaskar
- At 6 am on zoom with YSA
- Do at your own time(watch recordings)
- Twist is to hold downword dog for 15 secs in each round
- Its a free event
Yoga classes
Yoga classes were taught in
- Our parks
- BU Evolution